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Laura Ashley is definitely back… She’s back, and this time it’s personal. See, they mated her with the Home Depot guy, and that’s where you get Martha Stewart.

Far be it from me to defend Martha. But some recent news regarding her case is, shall we say, unsettling:

Inserting an unusual twist into their indictment of the domestic diva, prosecutors charge that she committed a crime when she stood up in public last summer and denied engaging in insider trading.
“I was a little surprised at that,” said Richard A. Serafini, a former economic crimes prosecutor in New York. “There’s kind of a natural tendency when you’re confronted with something to deny it. Now they’re charging it as market manipulation.”

On the other hand, one looks forward to what this level of prosecutorial zeal will dig up when (finally) brought to bear on Ken Lay, et al.

(Title gacked from the unaired Buffy pilot, of course.)

Let’s add a link to this in-depth piece from Steve Gilliard over at the Daily Kos.

  1. Rob Salzman    Jun 6, 07:05 pm    #
    Martha Stewart is a Series 7 Licensed Stockbroker. She knew she was breaking the law when she did the insider trading.

    She has to be one of the stupider people - tossing away a multi-million empire for a measly 45,000 dollar loss.

  2. --k.    Jun 6, 08:18 pm    #
    Oh, again--not defending her. Merely impressed with the leap of logic that insists a protestation of innocence is akin to manipulating the market, and depressed at the mindset which thinks it's okay to throw this much of a discourse-degrading stunt-indicting kitchen sink into the mix. There's no good guys anywhere in sight on this one.

  3. julia    Jun 7, 05:19 am    #
    Now, there's an interesting thought. If you hear that the insiders are selling and then you sell, but you're not an insider yourself, is it insider trading?

    I guess the government doesn't think so, or they'd be indicting her for it.

    So what we have is Martha on trial for denying something that the government isn't accusing her of doing.

    I dislike the woman, but this is a farce.

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