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The trick is how to find it.

“Jeff Conaway!” I said to myself, stumbling over the name in maybe a Gawker Stalker or something, pegging him by the reference to his Christianity. Now that I have his name, I can go to imdb and scroll down his credits and trust that the name of the show will be self-evident. —I’d forgotten the name of the show, see, and everyone who was in it except the star who was the guy from Grease and later Taxi whose name I could never remember. (Though for whatever reason the whole born-again thing stuck with me.) I don’t even remember the show itself that well, just that it was funny when I was fifteen, and I cared enough about it to hurry back to the hotel room after a swim meet so I could coax the bunny ears into pulling down a relatively snow-free CBS signal. Then they killed it. —And now I learn that most of the episodes were directed by Bill Bixby. Wizards and Warriors. Damn. Everything’s pretty much in this intertubes thing somewhere, isn’t it? (Except, y’know, the actual episodes.)

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