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Cue Nelson-esque “Haw-haw.”

Since the criticism began in late November, Planned Parenthood said, its card sales have risen, prompting extra card printings. The organization also is selling T-shirts with the words “Choice on Earth.” —via CNN.

It’s an ill wind blows no one any good.

  1. Sebbo    Dec 6, 01:15 pm    #
    That's a general phenomenon. Political groups on the side that's out of power tend to see a rise in prominence and interest. Liberalism (for example) seems both more secure and less sexy when there's a bunch of liberal bums in Washington getting it wrong. Once the Other Team gets in, people get motivated to send in their money again.

  2. --k.    Dec 6, 01:28 pm    #
    I think it also has a little something to do with the rather dramatic lack of connection with reality evident in the various remarks condemning the cards, as quoted in the CNN piece. A twisting of Scripture? Really? Oh, my. --Such eye-rolling illogic gives the story legs and spreads the word about the cards much more quickly than saying nothing at all would have.

  3. Sebbo    Dec 6, 01:42 pm    #
    My goodness, that was a prompt reply. You look to me like a man with enough free time to start answering his e-mail.

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